Regimental Colours
Regimental flags, referred to as the Colours, are awarded to a regiment by the Queen or her vice-regal representative during a ceremony. They are treated with reverence as they represent the honour and traditions of the Regiment.
There are two Colours: the King’s/Queen’s Colour and the Regimental Colour.

The Queen’s Colour is the national flag with the Regiment’s insignia emblazoned upon it. Until the adoption of the Maple Leaf Flag, the Union Jack was used; subsequent Colours have been based on the Canadian Flag.

The Regimental Colour is one colour, usually blue or red, with the Regimental insignia emblazoned upon it. Also emblazoned on the Colour are battle honours awarded to the Regiment.
When too old to use, or replaced by new Colours due to the awarding of new battle honours, Colours are not destroyed, but are laid up in places of significance to the Regiment, such as a museum or the Regimental church.
Presentation of the current Regimental Colours
The current Regimental Colours presented by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at a ceremony on Parliament Hill July 5, 1967.
First Stand of Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa Colours
The Colours were presented the Regiment on November 18, 1936, and were used until the current Colours were presented in 1967. The Colours were laid up in St Giles Presbyterian Church, the Regimental Church.
38 Battalion Colours
The Colours were presented to the Regiment on August 1, 1915, by Lord Tweedsmuir, then Governor General. They were laid up in Westminster Abbey, London on July 12, 1916, as regiments did not carry their Colours into battle. They were recovered following the war and are currently on display in the Regimental museum.