The Regimental Museum of The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa (Duke of Edinburgh’s Own) is an accredited military museum.
Museum Photo credits-Harry Foster.

The Museum is located at Cartier Square Drill Hall, 2 Queen Elizabeth Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0K2, and is open to the public on Thursday evenings from 7:00 P.M. until 9:30 P.M. during the training year. During the summer period we will be open on a less regular basis on Thursday evenings so it is best to contact us by email or phone before coming . The museum telephone number is (613) 990-3507. For email queries, contact us using the form below.
The Museum has a large collection of weapons, medals, uniforms, and other memorabilia dating back to the Regiment’s inception.
Co-located with the Museum is the Kit Shop.
The Museum is constantly looking for memorabilia or photographs pertaining to the Regiment. If you have any items that you would be willing to donate or loan to the Museum, please contact us using the form below.
When displayed, all items will credit their source. If desired, we are willing to scan photos and return the originals to you.
The Museum is supported by The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa Foundation. Official Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) receipts may be issued for monetary donations or donations of memorabilia pertinent to the Regiment.